Believe it or not, Preggie Pops were conceived and developed by health care professionals! In our line of work, we are daily witnesses to how debilitating nausea can be. We also came to realize that not every nausea remedy works for every person or situation, and that many people would prefer not to take a prescription if they can avoid it. We found that a lot of our patients wanted something "natural".
With all that in mind, we did some research into natural pharmacologic agents, reading through the available literature (both scientific and non-scientific), talking to numerous other health care professionals from a number of disciplines, and most importantly, talking directly to nausea sufferers. Many patients were willing to share their favourite home remedies, and through time and research, we were able to determine which ones really work. We discovered which herbs are truly helpful, and developed flavours that would be appealing to anyone with a queasy stomach. Enjoy & Feel Better!